Exceptional Magic for Delphi 3..XE4 and C++ Builder 4..XE4 |
This unit replaces standard exception handling behaviour with much more controlled and
informative one. It allows you to customize many aspects of exception handling and
provides a lot of useful info and features:
- location of exception in source (file name & line number)
- custom exception filters
- intercepts exceptions in DLLs
- call-stack information (module name & proc name)
- contents of CPU registers and stack
- custom formatting of error message
- custom displaying of error message
- write exception information into log file
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TDSPack utility for Exceptional Magic unit |
TDSPack compresses and optimizes debug information into more compact and secure form.
- Reads standard Borland TDS debug-info from both executable and TDS-files
- Writes TDS files (full or optimized)
- Strips debug-info from executables
- Appends debug-info to executables
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